"Breaking the Recidivism Cycle through CHRIST."
Through the ministries Ken and June Cooper founded and cofounded, over 2,000 sponsored men have stayed out of prison due to a remarkably low recidivism rate of 10%. They've taken evangelism teams to prisons hundreds of times and witnessed thousands of men and women turn their lives over to CHRIST.
Ken's first book, HELD HOSTAGE, has been read throughout the Florida prison system and changed numerous lives. Ken has been given the vision for HELD HOSTAGE and FREE!, to be placed in every prison in the United States.
KCPM is always looking for volunteers to go into prison and deliver God's message. If you feel led by God to reach out to the incarcerated please contact KCPM.
"Volunteers are NEEDED"
Trained volunteers serve on the KCPM EvangeliSm Team
Interested in Volunteering?
Call us at 904-859-9780 or use our contact form to email us.